Holding On in Your Holding Pattern

Saturday a dear sister in Christ told me she felt like she was in a holding pattern. She has been waiting for this promise the Lord gave her but it has yet to come to pass. She has begun to wonder if what was promised is really for her, if she heard right and if she needs to look somewhere else. I know this feeling. For one promise in particular, I have been in a holding pattern for 10 years. Over these 10 years God has shown me the depth of my pride, that deep-seeded section of my heart that masked itself as a subtle part of my personality. Others could see my actions or hear my words and not immediately see it was pride. But man sees the outward appearance; God sees the heart and knows so well how wicked it can be (1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:9). While in my holding pattern, I have had an eagle’s eye view of my sin and the wreckage it would cause if I had landed in my new season prematurely. Over these 10 years God has given me several words to help me succeed in my coming season. As my season is coming to an end, I recognize these words as the foundation on which I will land and continue to stand firm on when I get to my next level. Holding patterns can be frustrating: They make you antsy; they make you doubt; they may make you fear, but they are good.

When pilots keep the plane mid-air they announce that they must remain in the air until they are cleared for landing. The weather may be bad, there might be too many planes on the tarmac or the air traffic controllers may be busy guiding other planes. Whatever the issue, pilots keep planes in a holding pattern because it’s not safe to land. When you are in a holding pattern, it’s not safe for you to land in your new season. And God, the pilot of our lives, will tell us why it’s not safe for us to land. We may have pride issues, procrastination problems, fear of man issues, integrity problems, unhealthy competition in our character, or a lack of love. But God is saying “I am the author and finisher of your faith. I will complete the perfect work I began in you and put in you before the foundation of the earth. You will succeed if you just trust and believe in me. So take heed.”

So while you are in your holding pattern I want you to hold on by serving the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2). Whatever work God has you doing while waiting, you can complete the work with a joyful heart. While in your holding pattern don’t complain about being in a holding pattern, examine your heart for sin issues that will directly affect your new season and work on changing, serve others as you would have them to serve you and speak well of your present season. The season is ordained and, as such, is reason to be glad.

God wants us to be safe. Let’s praise and thank God that He knows His business and a part of His business is guiding us to safely land where He created us to be. And sometimes His guiding includes holding patterns.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Flynn buying dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook
Nate’s concern about Josh’s hurting toe
Getting showered and dressed before taking Joshua to school
Nate and Joshua hugging
Getting Joshua to school by 7:30 a.m.
Justus hiding Joshua’s deodorant and laughing about it when Justus tried to take it from under his body (the hiding place)
God helping me to see His good prominently in three ways over the last two days: 1) Reading about and hearing Psalm 18 within one hour of each other; 2) Receiving flowers in the midst of chaos; 3) God’s reminding me that the consequence of one of my sins could be worse
A two and a half hour nap
Productive social media activity
A quick, easy and tasty dinner

Not My Own

What Do You Think? Wednesday

In the midst of fruit snacks, brother spats, show and tell and tattle tells, I wrote the sermon, at least most of it, for a message at Kingdom Builders Christian Church in Redford, Michigan last Saturday. God had been speaking to my spirit for two weeks “speak life.” This is what He wanted me to tell the women. This is what He wanted them to do. This is what He wanted me to get. He wanted me to speak life, the one He has for me that is wrapped up in Him: Continue reading

Don’t Believe God

What Do You Think? Wednesday
Some things are just worth revisiting, even when we have plans to go elsewhere. Such is the case today. I had another special obligation that I wanted to share, but in my quiet time this morning God made it clear that I had to return to the special obligation that the Christian has to follow the Bible. I wrote about this on November 23, saying that “I find it liberating not to have to develop a blueprint for my life, then on my own have to seek out the contents to build my life and manage them to maintain my life.” I have been liberated through the Bible and am experiencing the great joy that comes from this freedom, particularly during this rough season of seeing about my mom, who has been in the hospital for more than a month.

Yes, the trips to the hospital are numerous and the hours spent there are long. Yes, I have to, along with my siblings, be a watchdog for my mother’s proper care and still care for my husband and children, continue to write, eat right, get some sleep and have some time for me. All of this comes with fervent prayer and fielding texts and calls from my mom’s friends and other loved ones near and far. My schedule is grueling and my face and body feel the effects, but I can truly say with the song writer that “it is well with my soul,” but for some reason some people don’t seem to believe me. They ask me how I am doing. I expect and appreciate that. But what I don’t expect is the repeated questioning that people’s tone of voice suggests, and as one person actually said, “How are you really doing?” Perhaps they believe I should be riddled with worry and that my voice should quake when I speak of all that my mom has had to take. Maybe my face should be flush and constantly gushing with tears. Maybe they expect that I shouldn’t believe God.

Of course, no one would ever say that, but “How are you really doing?” can mean don’t believe God. I understand how people could probe further. Recovering strong black women learned well to wear the masks, those of sterile feelings and super strong veneer. I understand people want to really see my face, make sure that I’m really okay, but I what I want to know is “When is the Bible really true in our lives?” Is it only true when times are good and not when we are going through? Is God indeed a refuge, a place that I can run to and be safe (Psalm 62:8)? Is He not a person that gives me peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7)? Can God not keep my mind in perfect peace if I keep my mind on Him (Isaiah 26:3)? Are these scriptures only glorious platitudes and not places for us to strive to be? I could go on, but I want you to chime in. How have people responded to you when you reflect God’s strength in adversity? Do you fall apart and STAY apart, forgetting the strength available in God’s Word? Please, tell me what you think.