Maximize Your Time

When you think about the flow of time it remains steady, speeding up or slowing down for no one. This can always be our dilemma. We either want to rush to get to the next project, person or season or we want more time to complete what we are having a hard time finishing. This is the case for most I know, even strong black women recovering from being strong black women. So how can we reconcile time with our tasks? We first have to know that time doesn’t change so we must.

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

In essence these Scriptures tell us to be wise with our time by redeeming it, which means we must know “how to regulate (our) course in view of movements in the heavens or of God” by exchanging our time.* So we are to use time according to activities in the spiritual realm and what God tells us. In order to have enough time to fulfill our spiritual activity and direction, we must reallocate time from anything that has nothing to do with these. Cease the nonsense and put time toward what makes sense.

1) In order to know what God is doing in the spiritual realm and what He wants us to do, we have to spend time with God. Pray, fast, read the Bible, study the Bible and any other spiritual discipline that connects us to Him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

2) When we know what God is saying then we must ask Him how much time to spend on each task. Pray “give me this day my daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). There is only so much we can do at a time and He will tell us what that is.

3) Don’t feel guilty about the items that used to be on your To Do list. Our list is different because we are regulating our course according to activities in the spiritual realm and God. Some people may be upset and you may even be disappointed that what you used to spend your time doing and who you used to spend your time with has changed. “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant* of Christ” (Galatians 1:10). You are a servant of God. You are to please Him.

I am not advocating an ascetic life where you abandon all the activities of this world. In order to fulfill your part in what’s happening in the heavenlies you may have to have a spa day with that unsaved friend. God may have you minister to her this way to prepare her to hear from you when you are supposed to lead her to Christ. You have to build a rapport with people, not ram the Word down their throats. And you can only build a rapport with people if you are around people. God will give you the wisdom about who, what, when, where, how, and maybe even why. We are just required to obey.

God gives us enough time for what He has called us to do, so that what’s done in heaven can be done on earth (Luke 11:2). If we find we don’t have enough time, WE are either not following God’s plan or not trusting God’s plan. We may not feel like we have enough time or that there is still more to do. But if we follow what God says and how He tells us to do it—even if the task seems incomplete—He can use what we have done in whatever state our work is in.

Is your life chaotic because of mismanagement of time? What do you do to manage your time? Please, let me know what you think about my plan to help you maximize your time.

*Lexical Aids to the New Testament in Key Word Study Bible, Spiros Zodhiates, executive editor.