Wasting Your Time

Stop Being Niggardly, by Karen Hunter

Why is it that when many of us give up an activity to lighten our schedule we end up replacing that activity with something new? Some of us are people pleasers. Others think we’re the only ones who can do it. Some just want to help out or simply just can’t resist the activity. On my break, when I was supposed to be completing a new writing project I discovered that I was tempted to replace my blogging time with something else. When I wanted to read a book or watch a movie, I reasoned: “Well, I write my blog in the morning and I don’t have to complete the devotionals in the morning.” I also took phone calls when I was supposed to be resting. I only slipped a couple of times, but I had to ask myself, “What was that all about?” I realized that I didn’t value my time. Continue reading