Be Resourceful

If you wanted to know what was going on around town, I was the one to ask. In my on the go days I knew of the latest happenings, not because I was in the in crowd but I would keep up with newspaper articles, look at every flier that came my way, remember conversations and just ask questions. I think this curiosity may be the journalist in me or it may just be that I truly am “Little Verlenia,” a young version of my very resourceful grandmother.

My Grandma Thomas, like many grandmothers, was the go to person in our family. She always had food, a comfortable place to stay and money, even for us, her educated children with the good jobs but mismanaged funds. I learned a lot for this woman, whose highest level of education was a high school diploma that she obtained by attending night school as an adult. Most of her jobs were as a domestic or a cook, but her work always provided what they needed and even more to share. It still amazes me that her household never lacked any needs, and she and my grandfather (a local truck driver) sent two of their three children (the third didn’t want to go) to college on their salaries. But like many in their era, they knew what to do so their household didn’t lack, and everyone felt the love behind their efforts. So the following are some tips I learned from my grandmother, who was the ultimate Proverbs 31 woman:


    Use a deep freezer to save large quantities of food that would be otherwise thrown out after a few days. On days when you don’t feel like cooking or lack the time, pull out different items to create a new meal.
    Reuse aluminum foil and plastic bags. Even though my grandmother would wash aluminum foil and storage bags that had greasy items in them, I don’t recommend that. But you can reuse these if you previously stored dried items, like bread or fruit. Just shake and wipe them out, and they should be good for at least two more uses.
    Use household products in more than one way. For instance, you can use baking soda for cooking and cleaning. Clean your teeth, your food (fruit and veggies, including greens), your kitchen and bathroom. Vinegar works to clean food surfaces, like wooden chopping boards, floors and sinks, and disinfects garbage disposals. Another good product to try is food grade hydrogen peroxide. Stronger than regular peroxide, this kills E. Coli and other bacteria, fungi and pesticides. It can be used to decontaminate food and used for personal hygiene.

Next Friday I plan to have more tips for you. As I look at the need for women to be prudent with their time, there are more resourceful tips I have that will help in that way. As always, I look forward to hearing from you. And by all means, share some ways that you have been able to be resourceful to provide for your family’s needs.

Copyright 2009 by Rhonda J. Smith

Resourceful Woman

Joshua's first day in public school

Joshua's first day in public school

Resourceful Woman
I am a sonic force
Building lives
And busting lies
Told to them, about them, to bury them, deter them
To make them just quit.

With a well-placed word
Stuck in faces
That place me as other
I defend to no end
And regulate as I calculate to conquer these sins.

Who am I?

I am a soul warrior
Stepping boldly to my Father’s thorn
Telling him what’s happening, all that’s gone wrong.
Battling the heavens by letting the Spirit lead my cries
Trusting in His word
And turning my sighs into high fives
Cuz I know the outcome of my steppin’ boldly
He’s gonna work all things out, just like he told me
Cause I love him and am called by him
For his purpose and not mine
And He will establish it.

Who am I?

I’m a crafty soul lifter
Speaking life to the listless
Empowering limbs of the shiftless
Changing minds of the helpless
Soothing hearts of the hopeless

I see a need and take heed
To my calling
I regard all that’s in my sight
Calling it out
Praying it out
Laying it out
In the physical and the spiritual
Using all that’s within me
And whatever I can find that’s without me

I use my intellect and spiritual connects to keep it all tact
And you better believe that!
Who am I?

I am a woman
Not every woman
But a resourceful one
Pulling all the stops
And not ever stopping
Until the oppressors bow
The weak and hopeless get strength
and helpless don’t cow
And the resources brought forth
To make the seemingly impossible come forth for justice and peace
Security and meat
A prosperous life that’s complete
All that is needed for me and my family.

Like the Proverbs 31 woman, we are called to be resourceful, to go out of our way to make provisions for our families. We may not be a seamstress, business woman, early riser or gardener, but strength and honor can be our clothing, and we can ask God for wisdom and kindness to look “well to the ways of (our) household” (Proverbs 31:25-27). This call to be resourceful is what led me to fight for my son Joshua to be placed in public school when he was rejected.

Joshua outside of 2nd grade classroom

Joshua outside of 2nd grade classroom

My fight got him in where God wanted him, and I am happy to say that Joshua said “I was a little scared at first (to go to school), but then I calmed down. I liked it a lot. We learned a lot. I had a lot of fun.” When we follow God’s plan and are the resourceful women God has called us to be, things will work out in our favor, not necessarily like we want but just like what God wants for the prosperity of our entire family.

Copyright 2009 by Rhonda J. Smith