Stability in an Unstable World

What Do You Think? Wednesday

This world seems to be falling apart before our very eyes, but we’re still here and expected to thrive in spite of what we see. Psalm 11:3 says “if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Stand firm on God’s word and teach our children to do the same. Read my latest EEW post (that begins below) where I encourage parents to work to provide their children stability in this unstable world.

“Mommy, please don’t adopt us,” my nine year old said and then began to explain as he saw my brow raise and eye squint trying to figure out what he really meant. “I hope you don’t ever give us away. Please don’t,” he begged as he hugged me around my neck. He said this some months ago after hearing a presentation at my church that had just begun an adoption and orphan care ministry. That was the first time he heard about children being adopted and knew that it entailed someone giving away children and someone else taking them in. After I explained the general reasons why parents put their children up for adoption and that he and his brothers would be staying with us until somebody died, as long as I could help it, he smiled, settled down and started back playing with his brothers. Everything was once again well in his world.

I understand Joshua’s angst; it’s his desire for stability. This is a child’s nature. They like routine: the same stories; the same pajamas, the same “blankie,” the same route to school. Any change changes their world and they don’t seem to function quite so well. Such is the case with many of us. Our God is one of decency and order. He had an order for creation and sanctioned order for systems, including the family, the church, the workplace and the environment. When His ordained order goes awry, chaos ensues. Our God is a God of stability and expects us to do what we can to live in it and provide it for our offspring (Just a look at the Proverbs shows us this). But sometimes our world doesn’t go as planned. Divorce happens. Family members die. People lie.

But we as parents, in spite of life’s challenges, have been given the main role of providing stability for our children in the big and little things. Read more at EEW Magazine and tell me what you think.