Don’t Bow to Baal

God's Army, with Timashion Jones on the far right

For the last week or so the phrase “They don’t bow to Baal” has come to my mind when I read a blog or a tweet, have a conversation or hear a sermon from the relentless, the fierce, the fiery folks who consistently and most recently intensely have fired me up for Jesus. We all need these people in our lives, those, who like one of my friend’s says, “‘makes our baby leap.’ In other words, there should be spirit-filled individuals who activate the presence of God within us and can also speak into our lives.” We need those people who are sold out for Jesus and won’t give up and give in to a false god.

So here are the ones that have just been such a blessing to me and have constantly been on my mind and heart the last few weeks. Connect with them and I’m sure you’ll be able to tell what I mean.

1. Christopher W. Brooks, pastor of Evangel Ministries and host of the radio broadcast Equipped for Life

2. Sharon D. Moore, assistant pastor of Ebenezer AME Church and national preacher

3. Carla P. Yarbrough, blogger at Royalty Revealed

4. Dianna Hobbs, founder and CEO of Empowering Everyday Women Online Magazine and blogger at Your Daily Cup of Inspiration

5. Michelle Johnson, founder of Alabaster Ministries and blogger at One Alabaster Day at a Time

6. Kim Cash Tate, author and blogger at Color Your Perspective

7. Nichole M. Christian, writer and contributor to Dear Dad

8. Timashion Jones, lyricist, Good News Talk Show creator and host and filmmaker (A Love that Hurts)

9. Ajene Gailliard, blogger at Kingdom Mommy

My One Thousand Gifts List

An enriching bible study on mercy with Helena
Washing and grooming my hair
Arched eyebrows
An evening of dinner and jazz at Cliff Bell’s celebrating Kim’s birthday
An itinerary for the book party
Cutting yams with Flynn
Flynn lovingly caring for the boys and me by cleaning the kitchen three times and washing clothes while I was at Cliff Bell’s
A great challenging sermon
Worshipful singing
Fellowshipping with family and former church family members

Friday Feature: Roundup Four & T-Shirt Winner

  • In the last month I talked about ways to eat wheat- and gluten-free, but some of us need to be careful to monitor the other foods we eat too: Check out the New York Times Op-Ed piece When Food Kills.
  • This site is selling products (that I have not tried so I can’t recommend them) and offers some free tips for dying hair naturally: My Sensitive Skincare

And the winner is:

Our ThinkThis! Designs Eat Well Live Well t-shirt winner is Ajene M. Gailliard. She said she has incorporated more plant-based foods in her diet and regular periods of fasting. The Friday Feature that inspired her the most was on cooking healthy greens, which has inspired her to finish her cookbook and own cooking videos. Ajene blogs at Kingdom Mommy, a site to encourage Christian women with young children to raise them to be strong believers in Christ. Congratulations Ajene and thanks for taking the time to comment. And special thanks to ThinkThis! founder and CEO Nichole M. Christian for sponsoring her t-shirts for my giveaway.

Friday Feature: ThinkThis! Designs & Giveaway

We all need encouragement: A look from a different perspective; time spent with a friend; an uplifting message on a card or even a t-shirt, like these:

Photo by Nichole M. Christian

Me in the Walk by Faith shirt

I know you think they’re fabulous and I’m giving away three, compliments of ThinkThis! Designs, whose proprietor and designer is my best friend, Nichole M. Christian. I told you a little about her last year here on the blog but have not told you about her company of t-shirts, greeting cards and journals with inspiring messages. A natural storyteller and frequent t-shirt wearer, Nichole decided in 2009 to try her hand at blending her two loves by inscribing her thoughts on a cotton canvass, carrying her words beyond the page and immediately into the hearts of all who read them.

“I never sat out intentionally to start a t-shirt brand, but I had a great opportunity to share my message. And I love t-shirts,” Nichole said. “The opportunity came at a moment in my life when I needed that (Fear < Hope) message and so I put it on a t-shirt as a reminder to me. I didn’t set out to do anything but to remind myself of a message of what I was faced with in my own life.” The time Nichole speaks of is when she found out she was being laid off as an editorial board writer for the Detroit Free Press. “I printed the shirt three weeks before being laid off and wore it in the newsroom. People asked me about it. By the time I got laid off I had already sold a case of shirts.” [caption id="attachment_3082" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Nichole (left) w/Lori Robinson"][/caption]

With other messages to herself sketched in her journals, she decided to transfer those to t-shirts and ThinkThis! Designs was born. I’m not a t-shirt wearer so initially Nichole gave me a complimentary shirt to hook up her girl. Of course I was willing to wear it to help advertise my friend’s business, but since that time I have purchased a few more and find myself in at least two of my four ThinkThis! Designs each week because of the comfort, style and spiritual inspiration of each. To help three of you begin your love affair with ThinkThis! Designs, I’m giving away the Eat Well, Live Well shirt.

For your chance at a t-shirt, just 1) subscribe to the blog (if you haven’t already) and leave a comment on the blog by stating 2) how you have been living (or plan to live) better by a change in your diet and 3) which Friday Feature has inspired you the most and 4) why. Nichole will select the three winners, who will be announced on the blog next Friday.

To see more ThinkThis! t-shirt designs, cards and journals and to purchase merchandise, go to

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith