Friday Feature: Roundup Ten for the New Year

This year has been amazing, full of growth and revelation for me. I see clearly how the paths God has had me on were leading to the ultimate path for my life, my ministry. And a lot of that clarity came just from writing my Friday Feature posts. I have a greater appreciation for the praises that have come through the perils of my health. Countless people have told me how one post or another was an answer to an unresolved health issue they were facing. So in this last Friday Feature post of 2011 I want to share with you my top five health posts and five sites that have helped me gain greater insight into my health this year (Please note that some of the sites listed are secular so take caution in what they advocate beyond direct physical health tips):

Yeast Infections
Soy No More
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Cooking on the Brand New Mommy
The Benefits of Juicing

Other notable posts include those on MSG, natural oils, cold and flu prevention and relief, help for skin problems and alternative grains to wheat. For these and more, search this blog for Friday Feature and every post ever written here will come up.

My favorite five health sites for 2011:

Simple Organic
Living Maxwell
Natural News
The Garden Diet
Keeper of the Home

As you make and seek to keep your 2012 resolutions, undoubtedly some concerning your health, I hope you refer to these links to help you accomplish your goals. God bless you in 2012!

Friday Feature: The Benefits of Juicing

Because of problems with my website, this post didn’t come through on Friday. Here it is for your good health:

When I was little, school didn’t always come easy to me like with my sister. Sharon could see something and immediately get it. Some concepts just didn’t make sense to me, like long division. I had to work hard to master those difficult areas, but once I got it I got it. I think that’s what has finally happened to me with juicing.

Juicing has been beneficial to me in so many ways. About four years ago I planned to make juicing a daily part of my diet. Examining my progress, I probably have juiced for a total of about a half a year over the last four years. Yup, pretty pitiful when I know that I always look and feel better when I juice. But this week, I have juiced a total of six out of seven days, something I have not ever done, and I feel great. I think this is my master week and I hope I am committed for life.

To help you get committed for life (a lifetime) and life (prosperous health), let me share with you a few benefits of juicing:

Get in your daily requirement of fruits and vegetables. With the change in government recommendations, we should be eating about 2 ½ cups of vegetables and 1 ½ cups of vegetables for a total of at least a total of five. Most of us don’t have the time or desire to eat that amount. When I juice I get in at least eight fruits and veggies a drink.

Get nutrients quickly into your body. It doesn’t take long for your body to digest juice so the nutrients get in your bloodstream faster.

Have more energy. When you get juice in your system quickly you get energy faster and you have it longer because your body is not working overtime to digest heavy foods. This is energy you can use to get your work done.

Consume less calories without receiving less nutrients. When you juice you are not consuming the bulk you would when eating fruits and vegetables. Also, juicing fills you up so you won’t have room to eat as much solid food. You also get the nutrients that are killed with cooked food.

Detoxify while getting nutrients. Sometimes people like to do water only fasts. This definitely helps to detoxify your system, but a juice fast is gentler on your system, detoxifying a little slower while still feeding your cells God’s goodness.

Have an internal and external skin tonic. Juicing cleanses your organs, operating as an internal tonic. When your inside is clean, your outside beams. So, essentially, the internal tonic provides an external tonic effect.

Give your digestive system a rest. As stated earlier, when you juice your digestive system doesn’t have to work as hard. Juicing helps your parts recover from their normal hard work.

Preserve your body’s enzymes. When you juice you get a number of enzymes to help your body digest foods. Without adding enzymes, your body will tap into its reserve, depleting your natural levels. Enzymes also seem to help slow the aging process (Gabriel Cousens, M.D. in Power Juices Super Drinks, by Steve Meyerowitz).

As always, there is much more I could say, but I hope this inspires you to do further research so your body will be at its optimum so you can complete the optimum amount of work for the Kingdom of God.

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith