Wicked Worship?

They waited all night in the cold, wind and rain, thousands of fans stood outside for a chance to get an up close view of their teen idol, Justin Bieber, performing in Rockefeller Plaza last month. The Today Show said this Bieber appearance garnered the largest crowd ever for one of its concert series. Wrapped in winter gear, fans screamed, sung and flung tears as Bieber sang his latest hits. One fan stared in the distance as she with bated breath told of her good fortune of receiving one of Bieber’s hand towels from a backstage worker. These fans were pumped and came to give total praise to the one they adored. Some shake their heads in disbelief, and maybe you do so with your children, wondering how they could give that type of time and attention to anyone.

I understand their mania because their devotion reminds me of my idol worship days. Read the rest at EEW Magazine.

My One Thousand Gift List

Nate waking up and asking, “It’s playtime!?”
Nate’s smile
A lyrical blog post
Chloe and Caleb visiting and having a great time playing with Joshua, Nate and Justus
Finding “Freckle Juice” at teh library book sale the day after Joshua said he wanted to buy it
Talking with Karen, a woman I met at the library
A spirited family devotion
Sleeping through the night
Watching Josh and Nate chase each other and hearing their laughter
Offering to make a loan but not having to do so