Parent Protector

What Do You Think? Wednesday

“We formed a new religion: No sins as long as there’s permission and deception is the only felony…” from No Church in the Wild on “Watch the Throne” by Jay-Z and Kanye West

Before I married and had children, I never called myself a feminist, though I had many of her ways. Fifty-fifty is how some saw things, but I knew this was unrealistic. I knew I could not cast off my biological or physiological makeup to truly be equal to a man, but in the ways I could I was sure to try. After I got married, I didn’t mind being pregnant, but I was going to work my career, carry my children where I needed to make everything work. I certainly wasn’t going to be made to be “a keeper at home,” but juggling all my balls had me constantly calling on Jesus. The more I studied the word the more I understood my role as a keeper at home (Titus 2:5). And I found out that role is more than just staying at and keeping a home clean; it includes protecting my home from clearly unbiblical influences, like the song lyrics above.

I don’t care how Christians justify letting their children listen to Jay-Z, Kanye West and the like or say it’s unrealistic to tell them not to listen to their music. Anyone who would pen a lyric promoting a new religion to validate their sins is not welcome in my home. …Read the rest at EEW Magazine and let me know what you think.