The Growth Plan

Do you want to grow up? I mean really seriously grow up? Not just changing for one moment something you usually do so you can immediately please the person you may have offended. I’m talking about a holistic change that will help you go to the next levels in your life. This is the type of change I told you at the beginning of the month that I was instituting in my life. I wasn’t going to wait until January, but what I saw needed fixing now would be fixed now and, with hope, forever. I told you I would help you develop your own plan. By reading all my posts, I hope you got some insight to develop your own plan. If not, here is my plan in sum that you can modify to create your own.

First, get a vision, understand the vision and then practice it.

Second, develop habits that will facilitate your vision.

Third, remember God’s grace.

Fourth, spy out God’s mercies.

Fifth, remember that God is omniscient.

Sixth, if married, publicize your husband’s good points.

Seventh, intentionally teach and model for your children, including how to be mission-minded.

Eighth, know that your plan may get interrupted, but God’s grace is sufficient.

Ninth, make daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual time for yourself without apologies.

Don’t wait until January to start afresh. I didn’t and have already seen results. Flynn is even asking me about my daily half hour alone time. Yes, even he is catching my vision and helping me to facilitate it. Have you already developed your plan? Is it working? Let us know. I know I want to celebrate and encourage you.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

Grow Up

Grow up! You ever issue that challenge to someone? I know I have, usually when I’m just fed up with their Israelite going around the mountain actions. I just want them to get it already. But how many of us have commanded ourselves to grow up? We may have; I know I do when I’m tired of some of my behavior that I should have stopped and replaced with something better a long time ago. The real challenge, though, is going beyond just telling yourself to grow up Continue reading