Beyond the Blog

God’s grace has taken me to some new places lately. Here is a list of a few of my upcoming activities. I would love for you to support me, by reading, listening and especially praying for me and the people God wants to reach.

  • Today, check out my interview with Deanetta Thompson in her Christian Women Lifestyle Xpress magazine about my Christian walk and my new book Daily Guideposts: Your First Year of Motherhood.
  • Wednesday, I will speak with the transitioning women of the L.I.F.T. Women’s Resource Center about “The Power of Motherhood.”
  • Thursday at 3 p.m., I will be live on the Equipped for Life radio broadcast with Pastor Christopher W. Brooks (my pastor) on 1500 AM in Detroit and at on the Internet.
  • Friday, I get to fellowship with members of Master’s Bible Chapel, where I will present a poem for their Mothers’ Day gathering.
  • For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.—Psalm 84:11 (NLT).

    I desire that in me His grace and glory will abound, all for His glory.

    Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

    One Lesbian Speaks

    On Saturday, April 10, 2010, Equipped for Life, the radio broadcast of my church, Evangel Ministries in Detroit, hosted Answering the Challenge, the broadcast’s evangelistic outreach ministry, with the topic “The Questions of Homosexuality.” It was my church’s attempt to reach out to the homosexual community in a civil manner, particularly offering hope through Jesus Christ to those struggling with homosexuality and wanting to change. Love flowed through the sanctuary of heterosexuals and homosexuals who all had varied stories. The event organizer asked me to deliver a poem. I prayed that God would show me what message He wanted me to deliver. He gave me a piece from a lesbian’s point of view. The gay community, like no community, is not monolithic, so this poem is Just One Story,* the name of the piece:

    He beat me

    And I scrambled, not wishing to handle the situation ever so delicately

    So others could see we were the perfect couple.

    He beat me so I ran to her and she cared for me, again, like when he broke that bottle over my head

    Said he wouldn’t do it anymore

    But there WAS more

    More of his insecurity

    More of his seeing me as the enemy

    His trying to control me

    His love shown in excuses and apologies.

    He said he wouldn’t do it anymore.

    But there was always more.

    More of his lies

    My cries

    His drinking and stinking up the place

    My seeking an escape in tiny corners, the small space under the bed, the clothes closet, against a door, a wall, a window, underneath the kitchen table.

    He was always able to charm me back to him.

    But he beat me again.

    So I ran to her

    And she held me close

    She took me in

    She let me weep

    She let me talk

    She cleaned and bandaged my wounds.

    I stayed.

    Though I wondered if I should

    Cuz I never thought loving her would be right

    But I prayed in the small spaces that one day I wouldn’t have to explain my face:

    The shut black eye

    The red swollen lip

    The deep cut cheek

    The bleeding mouth

    When I ran to her

    she held me close

    She took me in

    She let me weep

    She let me talk

    She cleaned and bandaged my wounds.

    I stayed.

    No more beatings

    No more pain

    No more apologies and excuses

    The love here is sane.

    I don’t have to explain anything.

    She just knows.

    Now I know what love really is

    I know it didn’t start right.

    I’m not sure that it is right.

    I know it just feels right.

    I understand the fight for gay rights

    I hope the whole country changes its mind

    Sees this lifestyle, my lifestyle, as just fine.

    I hope they do cuz it’s natural for me.

    I’ve never known a love so true.

    I’m really happy.

    And I know that God would have me to be happy.

    Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

    *Listen to this on my YouTube Channel (though it looks like a badly dubbed foreign movie. I’m working on getting the video right, but the sound is great.)