Friday Feature: Roundup Ten for the New Year

This year has been amazing, full of growth and revelation for me. I see clearly how the paths God has had me on were leading to the ultimate path for my life, my ministry. And a lot of that clarity came just from writing my Friday Feature posts. I have a greater appreciation for the praises that have come through the perils of my health. Countless people have told me how one post or another was an answer to an unresolved health issue they were facing. So in this last Friday Feature post of 2011 I want to share with you my top five health posts and five sites that have helped me gain greater insight into my health this year (Please note that some of the sites listed are secular so take caution in what they advocate beyond direct physical health tips):

Yeast Infections
Soy No More
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Cooking on the Brand New Mommy
The Benefits of Juicing

Other notable posts include those on MSG, natural oils, cold and flu prevention and relief, help for skin problems and alternative grains to wheat. For these and more, search this blog for Friday Feature and every post ever written here will come up.

My favorite five health sites for 2011:

Simple Organic
Living Maxwell
Natural News
The Garden Diet
Keeper of the Home

As you make and seek to keep your 2012 resolutions, undoubtedly some concerning your health, I hope you refer to these links to help you accomplish your goals. God bless you in 2012!

Friday Feature: Roundup Eight

GMO Film Project Sizzler from Compeller Pictures on Vimeo.