Breathing Easy

Last week I was breathing easy. Even on Wednesday with a writing deadline and meal for 12 AND my family to fix, I didn’t stress but said, “God you knew I had all of this to do so I’m looking for your grace.” And with that, I got my family fed by 7 p.m., the crew of 12 by 8 p.m. (1/2 hour late, but it turns out they needed the extra time) and I finished my piece before midnight, at 10:30 p.m. to be exact. I kept stopping to take a self stress test, wondering why my insides didn’t match the chaos outside. This day was a manifestation of a painfully stressful journey that I had completed.

I had “lived with bated breath, sat rapt at attention, clinging to the last inhale, waiting for what’s to be. Anticipation has been my oxygen, it’s unreliable tank shooting spurts of air, giving me just enough to just be. This is a stilted life, never fully being and never fully feeling life….” If you haven’t already, I invite you to join me at the (in)courage blog to read the rest of my story of new found freedom of breathing easy.

I thank God for such a wonderful change in me and pray you lean on Jesus for whatever wonderful change you need to happen in you.

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

My One Thousand Gifts List

A delicious meal
A quiet house
Clarity from God
Flynn buying me a watch
Justus’ cry
Sister Shirley buying me so many journals
Justus is a happy baby
Justus being a fun-loving baby
Nate giving me apple suga
Another day of structured learning for Nate

Breathe Again on the (in)courage blog

I praise God for the opportunity to spread His message to a wider audience on (in)courage: home for the hearts of women.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Spending early time with God
Being able to skin the chicken before Justus called out to me
Giving the boys a bath
Taking a shower
Cooking most of dinner before noon
Spending three hours interacting with and teaching Nate before he watched TV
Tabitha for being selfless and supporting me so
A completed Black History Month report
Getting to watch a movie
A restful evening