Breathe Again on the (in)courage blog

I praise God for the opportunity to spread His message to a wider audience on (in)courage: home for the hearts of women.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Spending early time with God
Being able to skin the chicken before Justus called out to me
Giving the boys a bath
Taking a shower
Cooking most of dinner before noon
Spending three hours interacting with and teaching Nate before he watched TV
Tabitha for being selfless and supporting me so
A completed Black History Month report
Getting to watch a movie
A restful evening

Friday Feature: Roundup Five

This was a tough post to pull together. My goal for the Fourth Friday Roundup is to provide you with information from around the web to support you as you seek to grow in the areas of the month’s posts. But when gathering information about organic and raw foods you are likely to get spiritual information that is not Christian. This was indeed the case. I found dozens of sites that offered what I thought was great nutritional information but spouted anti-biblical teachings. For this reason, I encourage you to read the previous posts and click the links I included in those. They only detailed nutritional information:

Friday Feature: Eat Organic

Friday Feature: Ways to Buy and Save on Organic

Friday Feature: The Benefits of Eating Raw

As you conduct your own searches for information on organic and raw foods, remember that no dietary standards should dogmatically go beyond what the Bible teaches. While God in Genesis 1:29 gave plants, seeds and fruit for meat, He told man in Genesis 9:3 that “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.” And we know that Jesus ate fish and lamb (a part of the Passover feast). So while as of June 2, 2011 I am a vegetarian, I don’t advocate vegetarianism as a must because the Bible gives us liberty to eat plants and meat. As Christians, we must follow what the Bible teaches. Make sure that whatever you choose that you are being led by the Holy Spirit to do what is best for your body.

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

Courageous: The Movie and Womanhood

What Do You Think? Wednesday

Next week I join a panel of married women to answer questions of women who’ve been through a six week marriage class. Some of their questions are typical of those struggling to overcome strong black womanhood, such as one wanting to know if she was wrong to disregard her husband’s budget commands or another asking how she can serve her husband with a good attitude when she’s upset with him. There are no easy answers for those entrenched in a marital power struggle. But the standard answer comes from 1 Peter 3:1-6, the crux of the verses revealing that our behavior, not our words, should be used to influence our husband to believe, and therefore do, the right thing. Our actions, not our nagging, will be our best advocate.

To be a biblical wife takes some resolve, and resolve is also what our husbands and the fathers in our lives need to be the men God has called them to be. This is the premise of Courageous, a new movie by Sherwood Pictures, the same company who brought you Fireproof, the movie that started a marriage revolution with its accompanying book The Love Dare. Like Fireproof challenged married couples, Courageous will challenge men to resolve to be the best fathers and husbands that they can be. Though the movie is geared toward men, Courageous will have collateral materials for men and women, including the book by Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer, The Resolution for Women. Shirer has even begun a seven-week countdown to the September release of the movie and her book with
The Resolution Revolution Project. She is challenging women to embrace the 13 resolutions for women included in her book through weekly discussions of them on her blog. Together the resolutions cover all aspects of our lives as women, like being a champion of biblical femininity, being defined by the word of God and being content. Check out the movie trailer and Shirer’s blog and let me know what you think. Courageous may be a movie you women can see with your spouses and let the movie do the talking for you.

Give Up Your World

“..(A)nyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”—2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

The other day my oldest son asked if he could arise in the morning to join me during my prayer time. I was so pleased, but I wasn’t always this way. When Joshua was 6 God told me some things He had called Joshua to be and one was a prayer warrior. I asked God to show me how to train him to war in the spirit this way, and I didn’t hear anything from God. Suddenly, at 6, Joshua began to arise early on his own, sit quietly as I prayed and would hand me tissue so I could dry my tears. At first I thought his rising was endearing. After he kept joining me for about a week, I was upset. “Can’t I have some time to myself?” Then God reminded me that I had asked him to show me how to train Joshua. What better way than to model prayer and have him pray kneeling beside me right after me? But I soon slipped back into my selfish way, being happy a few weeks later when Joshua stopped waking up. I reasoned that the season for training him during my quiet time must be over. Truth is, discipline is part of the training, and I should have awakened him even when he didn’t get up. I did sometimes, but for the last two years that has been only a handful of times. So last week when Joshua asked to wake up to join me in prayer, I gladly agreed. I’m so glad I did. We had a rich time, and I got a chance to see a bit of what God sees every time we walk in selfishness.

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.—1 Corinthians 13:11

Before we prayed Joshua asked, “What happens to our bodies if our spirit goes to be with God when we die?” Of course, this led to a Bible study on Christ’s return and us receiving glorified bodies and reigning with Jesus on a new earth (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 20:6). To give him a picture of what our glorified bodies might be able to do I had him read Luke 24:15-31 when Jesus walked and supped with the men from the Emmaus road then vanished from their sight. When I told him that our bodies would be supernatural, like Jesus’ body, letting us do supernatural feats like superheroes, he became sad. I was perplexed. Like his dad, Joshua loves comic book characters and he frequently asks me which ones I think are the strongest. When I asked what made him sad about getting a new improved body he said, “I want this body. I like this body. And I don’t want there to be a new earth. This earth is perfect. I want it to stay the same.” No matter how many benefits I told him about having a glorified body and reminded him of the wretchedness of this world he still wanted to cling to the old. He was determined to remain unchanged in spite of the pain and disappointment he feels in his own body and sees in the world. He didn’t want anyone to disrupt his familiar or his comfort. He didn’t want anyone, not even God, to change his world. I just hugged him and told him I understood, recognizing that he was a child and just didn’t understand how wonderful his change would be. I knew that when he grew up, his view would change. I determined that I would continue to be there for him, allowing God to disrupt my quiet time world, so I can help Joshua mature in his faith and talk the way he should.

So often those of us recovering from strong black womanhood seek to maintain our established order so that we can control our circumstances. We can’t handle a change to our world, even one that would help us create a better world or just allow God to give us a better one. Even though we know our present personal world may be in need of repair, we somehow convince ourselves that everything is perfect and fight to keep living there. Give up the fight and the temper tantrums and let God serve you a better world. This is a challenge, but one we must rise to so we walk out 1 Corinthians 13:11 and be the new creations the Bible declares us to be.

What worlds have you been clinging to that you need to let go of?

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

My One Thousand Gifts List

A woman’s desire to follow God
An anointed sermon
Dinner with Stephanie
The boys making their own fun at Stephanie’s
Flynn cleaning the kitchen
Flynn putting the boys to bed
Flynn making me tea
Being able to rest
Spending time with family
My headache dissipating

Friday Feature: The Benefits of Eating Raw

A Raw Food Meal. Photo credit: The Daily Ritual Blog

Yesterday I mourned, and still do, for a troubled marriage and a mother who lost her twins in the womb. Mine was a heavy day full of disappointment, misery and many tears for them and me, but God had prepared me for this, prompting me to go on a raw food fast the first three days of the week. If not for the fast I would not have been able to handle their pain and would have felt the pressure to provide answers. I pressed passed pain and provided direction all because the Holy Ghost led me on a fast I hadn’t ever done. I was strong in the spirit and able to easily hear exactly what God wanted me to say.

And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.—Isaiah 58:11.

God guarantees spiritual and physical benefits when we fast. Of course I had experienced many benefits with the different fasts I have done, including the Daniel Fast, called such after the Prophet Daniel who requested not to eat King Nebuchadnezzar’s food but instead only “pulse,” food that comes from the ground. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains. There are also six raw food categories, all plant-based, non-cooked foods: fruits, green vegetables, vegetables (all non-green produce), seeds, nuts and sprouts. Eating solely in this way challenged my creativity and cravings, but the spiritual, mental and physical benefits kept me going.

Spiritual Acuity

In addition to the above example I was able to connect with and prophesy to a couple of people right in their moment of need. Though prophecy is one of my spiritual gifts, my focus, even with other types of fasts, just hadn’t been so sharp.

Mental Clarity

Even though I have three children I didn’t suffer much from pregnancy brain, but most of this year I have struggled with my memory. Historically, I’m the go-to person to recall happenings from an event, someone’s name or other details others had trouble remembering. Recently, I was the one who forgot conversations, phone calls made and received and where I put things. It was so bad that my husband bought me some pills to help my memory. Though all natural, I didn’t use the pills but instead slowed down and got more rest. But since eating raw, my mind has been clearer, helping me to complete sentences without constantly searching for the right words and to remember where I put my glasses. I’m sure the nutritional benefits of a raw food diet caused my mental fog to clear.

Physical Vitality

As soon as something is cut from its source it begins to lose strength: a newborn losing weight before leaving the hospital; a tumor that no longer connected to a person’s blood supply and even fruits and vegetables removed from their vines. Though some of the nutrients diminish with all fruits and vegetables, you get more when eating them raw as opposed to cooking them, which can destroy enzymes that help you digest food. Digested food sends nutrients to your bloodstream, causing you to feel the nutrients work. Though I ate raw foods, I also drank fresh squeezed juices and soups, which gave me instant and sustained energy. I am a morning person, but Monday night, my first night on the fast, I was able to watch a late night movie with my hubby without nodding or falling asleep.

In addition to more energy I had
less aches. I had gotten used to inflammation in my back from arthritis and other unattributable discomforts. I normally get headaches when I fast and most literature says this is an expected side effect when your body is detoxing, but I didn’t have any headaches while on the raw food fast. This is a perk that raw fooders (people who eat raw as a lifestyle) promote.

less weight. I dropped six pounds day one. Six pounds is the usual water weight loss AFTER week one on a weight loss diet. I was not starving myself physically or nutritionally. Just imagine how trim I’ll be if I continue with the raw foods.

a stomach smaller. As with most fasts, my stomach got smaller. When I began to transition back to my normal vegetarian way of eating, I found myself full with just a small amount of food. This definitely helps me not to overeat.

sensitive taste buds. Usually only after ending a longer fast (at least a week), my taste buds quickly notice ingredients I have eliminated, but this happened to me after three days going raw. I could immediately taste sugar and really appreciated the pure flavor of organic foods. I found that if I listen to my body, there is no need to eat the sugar and snack foods like I did before being on the raw food diet.

We are temples of the Holy Spirit and a raw food diet helped me to focus on the great benefits of caring for my house of God. This fast has motivated me to incorporate more amounts of raw food in my diet, use my extra energy toward a consistent exercise plan and to control my food intake. Eating raw has been such a blessing to me. Won’t you try it (if you already haven’t) and share with us your benefits?

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith