Obligation to Serve

What Do You Think? Wednesday

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”—James 1:27

In this verse we see three special obligations for Christians: to care for in their affliction orphans and widows, two of the most vulnerable groups there are, and to not allow the world to negatively affect us. When we continue to see what special obligations the Bible details for the Christian, we see just how other-centered, based on being Christ-centered, we should be. This leaves no room for the strong black woman with all her self-prescribed notions. Help me develop this list of special obligations so we are armed with biblical notions of what we should commit our time, talent and treasure to.

So far we have obligations to 1) brothers and sisters in Christ; 2) the Bible; 3) orphans; 4) widows; and 5) righteous living. Won’t you add to the list? Please, tell me what special obligations you think the Christian has.

Making a Habit

This day has come to be the one when I share with you my gifts, the 1000 plus items I’ve chronicled that I am thankful to God for. I began keeping this list January 31, 2011. I stopped keeping this list September 29, 2011. It’s not that I consciously stopped. One day and the next and the next I had stopped writing my thanks in my journal and began speaking aloud my thanks. Sometimes I would smile as I acknowledged my gratitude in my mind or I showed it by doing something pleasing for someone else. I then understood that I no longer needed the practice of writing thanks in a journal but that I had become that living journal, going from “thanksgiving to thanksliving,” as Ann Voskamp says.

Me holding Justus and my copy of “One Thousand Gifts” by the incredibly talented Ann Voskamp

Voskamp is the author of the New York Times bestselling book “One Thousand Gifts,” based on her own challenge to record that many thanks. Her challenged revolutionized her life and taking on the challenge has revolutionized mine. I went from a chronic complainer (though mostly in my own mind) to one who more often assumes the best and doesn’t allow the worst to control me. This exercise has increased the evidence of my joy. My perspective is eternal and temporal things have been put into their proper temporary place; I engage them only but for a moment and turn my attention to Who and what matters: Jesus Christ and all the many blessings, big and small, that come from Him every single moment of every single day. Though I have stopped recording my gifts, I still have hundreds to share with you and even more if you follow me on Twitter (@RhonJSmith) thanks to the new “One Thousand Gifts” app. This app lets you chronicle your gifts on your phone or tablet and gives you the option to share them on Facebook, Twitter or Flickr. Sometimes I would forget to take my journal with me and would miss out on recording gifts. I rarely forget my phone so writing something that gives me great delight is so easy and I will have a record of a great memory.

Won’t you join the challenge and record your own 1,000 gifts or more? You can get the app through Apple and Android stores.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Catching up with Kim and her volunteering to do the PR for the book signing
The church approving space for the book signing
Ruth visiting and bringing the boys nice gifts and the two of us lunch and having fine fellowship
Not having angst about Flynn being away three evenings in a row
Visiting Nana as she bereaves Dan
Discovering in Joshua’s school bag a carton of curdled milk, the source of the stinky smell
Feeding birds and watching them swoon on the food
The fluttering of happy bird wings
That I didn’t snap when I heard “Mommy, Mommy” for the umpteenth time
The love and joy of family

Friday Feature: Roundup Nine

Black Friday shoppers rush doors to get a good deal.

Today is Black Friday and a host of us are running ourselves ragged trying to get some great deals. With spending long hours at stores, being in crowds with a bunch of germs and not getting adequate rest or nourishment, Black Friday makes conditions ripe for our bodies to get weak and catch a cold or flu. So while we are seeking great financial deals we need to take extra care to ensure our health needs. Here are some links that expound on the information in the posts I’ve written this month on natural ways I have found to prevent and treat the cold and flu:

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Obligation to the Bible

What Do You Think? Wednesday
We have lists, if not on paper, in our heads and driven by our hearts; we (recovering) strong black women know what we want to do and how to do it. We don’t need anyone dictating and orchestrating for us. We often have our minds made up and these made up minds may lead us far from where we should be IF we haven’t governed our lives according to the Word of God. And we need to live according to the Word of God.

Today I am thankful for the Bible, the book that gives me parameters for living, a daily guidebook created so I can listen to God, walk in His way and stay in my lane, the one He chose for me even before He created the earth. I find it liberating not to have to develop a blueprint for my life, then on my own have to seek out the contents to build my life and manage them to maintain my life. The blueprint, the contents and their management are all found in God’s Word and cemented with a relationship then constant fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. The main obligation for the believer in Christ—whatever her challenges may be—is to follow the Bible. This is the great starting point. If we start elsewhere, we are guaranteed a faulty finish.

For the next few weeks I plan to continue discussing some of the special obligations I believe the Bible clearly states that the believer in Christ has. Won’t you please join me in that discussion starting today? What do you think are the special obligations that the Christian has? On this Thanksgiving eve, what do you think Christians should be thankful for?

Peril of No Patience

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance…” Galatians 5:22-23

This is the list every Christian is charged to achieve, to offer fresh fruit so others can receive of the Spirit of God, His salvation and refreshing. But the ripeness of my longsuffering has been suspect. In fact, sometimes my patience is just rotten and stinks. So as I teach my sons to be strong black biblical men I’m learning alongside them to consistently cease from taking charge in my strong black woman strength and allow God’s strength to empower me to walk in patience. I thank God for that opportunity. Read more about this in my latest EEW Magazine column.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Tabitha watching the boys
Serving with Flynn at my first funeral
The smoothness of the funeral services
The thought-provoking and Christ-centered message of the eulogy
Witnessing the lover of the Tucker family
Janice Tucker inspiring me to be a loving mom
Having a deeper love for my family and seeing how the demonstration of it has caused them to demonstrate more love to me and each other and given the children more confidence
Nate and Justus being overjoyed to see me return from the funeral
Flynn picking Joshua up from school
Leftover meatloaf and hot water cornbread