Friday Feature: Know What’s in There

Do you know everything that you’re eating? This is an important question to ask, especially with the recent ruling that McDonald’s had to disclose every chemical additive to its foods and the revelation that some type of “pink slime” is added to ground beef as “a cheaper filler.” So you may think you are eating one thing and are getting some additional items you didn’t count on. Next week I’ll tell you about my quest to find out the ingredients in one of my favorite spices and the shocking news I received, but today I want to deviate from what we put into our physical body and focus on what we put into our spiritual body.

As I thought about how we eat foods and don’t always know what’s in them and how those unknown ingredients are detrimental to us, I thought about how not knowing what you put into your spirit can be equally as detrimental to your soul. When we allow small amounts of “spiritual” information to infiltrate our system because we have not investigated the claims next to the claims of traditional Christianity, we begin to cause deterioration to our souls. For instance, if you see people of other belief systems fulfilling required hours of service for their salvation, you may begin to put pressure on yourself to work hard to be saved, forgetting that you should work hard because you ARE saved (James 2:17-24). Work was never the requirement for salvation only the expectation AFTER salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). We must remember that we are saved by faith through grace this and also remember other basic truths of our faith so we don’t become spiritually sick—discouraged, disobedient or disenchanted because of misguided notions—and lose hope.

I remind you of this today, Good Friday, as we recognize the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This day marks the beginning of His sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Next was His burial that was pivotal in His rising from the grave, His resurrection on the third day, having defeated death (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). We have to remember this, what’s in our faith, so we understand what we have and recognize there is no need for any additives. In fact, any so called fillers would just deny the power of resurrection and dilute the power of the entire Gospel, making it an entirely different gospel and weakening our faith (Galatians 1:6-9). Good Friday is about the hope we have of eternal life because of Jesus Christ. That blessed hope, even giving us power before we even see Jesus in heaven, is what we celebrate this weekend. Happy Good Friday and have a Happy Resurrection Day.

Doing is Believing

What Do You Think? Wednesday

“Sometimes I don’t know if I believe the Bible,” one of my mentees recently said to me. This she said because “If I believed the Bible then I would live differently.” She had great insight into herself. Our beliefs should dictate our actions and when it doesn’t, surely our beliefs or our actions need to change. If, as Christians, our actions don’t line up with the Bible then we should change our actions to line up with the Word. But what if you find that belief is not your issue? You’re just emotionally, spiritually or physically too tired to live the Word. What if you don’t do the Word because you are too tired to fulfill the Word? Where does that leave you?

Have you doubted God’s Word or just been too tired to fulfill it? Even strong black women have doubts and don’t do the Word sometimes, but what is the recourse for getting back to following the Guidebook for our lives? I really want to know what you think. Please, chime in.

Week of Losts

Lost: Dead because of your disobedience and your many sins, living like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world, who is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature (Adapted from Ephesians 2:1-3).

Last week was the week of losts in my home. I lost a piece to my blender and one of my favorite hats; Flynn lost his hat; Josh lost his play notes; Nate lost an apple; my mama lost a piece of gum; and Justus walked around after being asked did he see any of the lost items saying, “I ‘on know.” And I fretted a bit, not wanting my nose to eventually lead me to the spoiled apple or my unknowing foot to smash a chewed piece of gum into my carpet. As I prayed about being fretful I began to praise as I saw what I could have had:

Lost hope
Lost strength
Lost vision
Lost relationships
Lost love
Lost fight

But some of you had these losses. You were tired of fighting so you just gave up; you lost your job, a relationship, some other great love, so you lost hope; you have been so swamped in your problems and issues that you lost your vision for a better life. Your sorrows may have been so strong that you forgot that what you are going through are but light afflictions and Jesus died for your greatest affliction—eternal death (2 Corinthians 4:17). The biggest ‘lost’ that you had was that of a sinner who was in need of salvation, but Jesus found you. He died for you before your mama’s mama, mama’s mama, mama’s mama…ever was, before you would ever be. This is where I began to focus to restore my joy, what I gave away for some missing inanimate objects, none that could set me free or save me. I praise God for recovering lost me, sealing me to the day of His return and keeping me from falling into the clutches of despair and sin (Ephesians 1:13-14).

My One Thousand Gifts List

Dinner with my in-laws
Nate’s voice
Justus saying “Josh”
Bubbling-over love for Flynn
Sharon stopping by to give me a funny birthday card and some money
Going to bed around 10:30 p.m.
A joyous time with the Lord in the kitchen while doing dishes and in my quiet time space
An old classmate saying I inspire him to do what he was meant to do and that “you even saved my man”
Candace and Chloe (my nieces) getting saved!
Finishing a richly packed blog while talking on the phone

Friday Feature: Roundup Thirteen

This month’s Friday Feature Roundup has links to articles that complement my posts on Food’s Higher Purpose, Three Amazing Thoughts (about eating raw foods), The Cleansing Power of Water and Change for Your Health. These articles will inform, equip and challenge you. Be mindful that not all the following articles are written from a Christian perspective but I believe you are sure to glean what you need to help you be healthy for the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God:

The Best Nutritional System Always Has a Higher Purpose

How to Change Your Unhealthy Diet to a Healthy Diet

Eating Raw: The Benefits of an ‘Uncooked’ Diet

How to Make Yourself Eat Healthy

Gleanings from the Symbols of the Holy Spirit

I Am George Zimmerman

She made me mad, refusing to do what she knew she was supposed to do. I was there to help her and she wanted to lay there and take a nap. How could my mama refuse my help and to do what she knew would benefit her? That was Friday afternoon. Then late that evening, as I was climbing into bed and just then remembering that I had never gotten to my Bible study lesson that day, I wondered why I hadn’t done what I knew would benefit me. Funny how your words will come back to haunt you, pin you down and make you cry uncle, surrender to the fact that you ain’t all that and you spiritually stink sometimes, too.

This was my personal revelation, but my Christian brother Timashion Jones made all his Facebook friends reflect on how we spiritually stink and needed help being brought out of that funk (a challenge that he got from our pastor, Christopher W. Brooks). He said that while we are saying that we are Trayvon Martin, stereotyped, mistreated and suffering from injustice, we should be saying that we are Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman: “…(I)n light of the Gospel we are really ‘George Zimmerman’ (Mark 7:20-23). We all need a Savior! Yeah we all want justice thats (sic) deserved but do WE all want the Justice (sic) that WE deserved.” And with that, I paused, saw his point and considered asking God to have mercy on Zimmerman, who still, because of God’s law of sowing and reaping and submission to authority, has great consequences coming to him for hunting and killing an unarmed child. But in light of the Gospel, how do you feel about Jones’ statement that “we are really ‘George Zimmerman’”? Please, tell me what you think.