Friday Feature: Cleansers and Builders

For nearly 20 years I have been on a quest for good health and have amassed great knowledge on what works for my body. But as God would have it, much of what I have found doesn’t just work for me but for others so I am always delighted to share with you what I know in hopes that it will help you. One theory I learned recently when on my raw food program—The Garden Diet*—was that fruits are cleansers and vegetables are builders. Storm Talifero, the creator of the Garden Diet, doesn’t even like to mix fruits and vegetables in his drinks, not even an apple to vegetables, which many juicing nutritionists believe is the only fruit that can safely be mixed with vegetables (drinking a combination of fruits and vegetables can disturb the body’s chemical balance and cause the mixture to rot in your gut). Talifero believes the mixture of fruits and vegetables gets the body confused about whether it should be trying to rid the body of toxins or to build itself up. I don’t know if I subscribe to the categorization of cleansers and builders because I haven’t searched the science behind this theory, but I did follow Talifero’s separation ideal and from a recent three-day fast I got amazing physical results that I wasn’t even looking for.

Throughout the day beginning in the morning I would drink either a fruit only juice or smoothie and in the evening I would drink a vegetable only juice or smoothie. I also attempted to drink more than half my body weight in ounces of water. As I expected, I had great mental, emotional and spiritual clarity, but what I didn’t anticipate was a whopping four pound drop in weight. I know this was water loss, as typically the first six pounds of weight loss is water. However, whenever I have fasted any other way I have never lost that much weight in that short period of time. Will I keep it off? I think so as I continue to eat mostly raw foods and begin an exercise program (Remember, since January 23, I have lost 17 pounds, which is now 21 pounds with the recent drop of four pounds). My goal for this year was 30 pounds. I praise God that I am more than half way there and that’s motivation enough to work to keep those recent four pounds off and reach my goal.

*The Garden Diet is not a Christian-focused health program. In some of the literature Talifero’s wife, Jinjee, who runs the program, mentions God and her thoughts on spirituality, which are not an orthodox Christian view. However, I believe the program is great for its health benefits and recommend it on that basis.

Friday Feature: Roundup Fourteen

Here are a couple of links from the blog Food Renegade that my BFF Nichole hipped me to; they support what I wrote this month about knowing what’s in the food you eat (see my posts on trans fats in Lawry’s Seasoned Salt and soy):

Decoding Labels: McCormick’s Pure Vanilla Extract

Dangers of Soy

Friday Feature: Still Finding Soy

Soy is promoted as the most versatile food around. There is soy milk, soy meat, tofu and other variations of it for meat substitutes. But while the soy industry is promoting the bean, even speaking of the supposed health benefits of it, we hear little of how this food negatively affects the human body’s endocrine system. I wrote about the dangers of soy last year, at which time I had to eliminate a number of soy-laden foods from my cabinets and grocery list. I thought I had purged them all but my vigilant son has taken to reading labels and found eight items in our home that we had missed. I share them with you today to give you a primer list to help you in your ingredient reading quest:

  • Canola oil cooking spray
  • Hash browns (frozen)
  • Waffles (frozen)
  • Pancake mix
  • Chicken nuggets (frozen)
  • Whole grain bread
  • Salad dressing
  • Children’s vitamin supplements

Like last week, this post is to encourage you to take charge of your health by reading ingredient labels so you know what you are eating. If you don’t understand what you are reading, take the time to look up the ingredient, call the company and search websites like mine to see if someone has already done the research you need. Whatever way you are able, take charge of your health so that you will be as fit as possible to do all the work that is possible to build the Kingdom of God.

Friday Feature: Know What’s in There

Do you know everything that you’re eating? This is an important question to ask, especially with the recent ruling that McDonald’s had to disclose every chemical additive to its foods and the revelation that some type of “pink slime” is added to ground beef as “a cheaper filler.” So you may think you are eating one thing and are getting some additional items you didn’t count on. Next week I’ll tell you about my quest to find out the ingredients in one of my favorite spices and the shocking news I received, but today I want to deviate from what we put into our physical body and focus on what we put into our spiritual body.

As I thought about how we eat foods and don’t always know what’s in them and how those unknown ingredients are detrimental to us, I thought about how not knowing what you put into your spirit can be equally as detrimental to your soul. When we allow small amounts of “spiritual” information to infiltrate our system because we have not investigated the claims next to the claims of traditional Christianity, we begin to cause deterioration to our souls. For instance, if you see people of other belief systems fulfilling required hours of service for their salvation, you may begin to put pressure on yourself to work hard to be saved, forgetting that you should work hard because you ARE saved (James 2:17-24). Work was never the requirement for salvation only the expectation AFTER salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). We must remember that we are saved by faith through grace this and also remember other basic truths of our faith so we don’t become spiritually sick—discouraged, disobedient or disenchanted because of misguided notions—and lose hope.

I remind you of this today, Good Friday, as we recognize the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This day marks the beginning of His sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Next was His burial that was pivotal in His rising from the grave, His resurrection on the third day, having defeated death (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). We have to remember this, what’s in our faith, so we understand what we have and recognize there is no need for any additives. In fact, any so called fillers would just deny the power of resurrection and dilute the power of the entire Gospel, making it an entirely different gospel and weakening our faith (Galatians 1:6-9). Good Friday is about the hope we have of eternal life because of Jesus Christ. That blessed hope, even giving us power before we even see Jesus in heaven, is what we celebrate this weekend. Happy Good Friday and have a Happy Resurrection Day.

Friday Feature: Roundup Thirteen

This month’s Friday Feature Roundup has links to articles that complement my posts on Food’s Higher Purpose, Three Amazing Thoughts (about eating raw foods), The Cleansing Power of Water and Change for Your Health. These articles will inform, equip and challenge you. Be mindful that not all the following articles are written from a Christian perspective but I believe you are sure to glean what you need to help you be healthy for the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God:

The Best Nutritional System Always Has a Higher Purpose

How to Change Your Unhealthy Diet to a Healthy Diet

Eating Raw: The Benefits of an ‘Uncooked’ Diet

How to Make Yourself Eat Healthy

Gleanings from the Symbols of the Holy Spirit