The Word vs. The World

Last summer at a children’s birthday party my three-year-old son pretended to be a pirate along with the five-year-old honoree and a gang of other children. The birthday boy and my son really like each other and play well together when they get the chance, but this was not our usual crowd. Earlier this year I had helped the mother with one of her community projects and had babysat her son a few times. I was drawn to helping this single woman any way that I could, including praying daily for her salvation. I didn’t want to miss the party, so I dressed Nathaniel in a pirate’s outfit and suited myself with the armor of God, not knowing what conversations I would encounter.

Two very warm women—a Muslim and a follower of what she calls “oneness”—found their way to me and we talked about marriage. The Muslim was divorced and the other woman a predetermined…Read the rest at EEW Magazine along with other great columns from my sister writers and a host of other articles that I thank God for.

My One Thousand Gifts List

Nate and Justus laying on, hugging and kissing me when I was sad about not being able to attend the retreat
God bringing me swiftly out of my funk by reminding me that I will get what I’m supposed to get
Packing for five and only forgetting a few items
The Christian Education staff for our gift of an overnight stay at the Doubletree Suites Hotel
Alone time with Flynn
Jazz at Cliff Bell’s
Being shuttled to Cliff Bell’s and not having to drive
A comfy hotel
Pleasant front desk staff
Laughter with Flynn

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