Throw it Out

What Do You Think? Wednesday

Tomorrow is bulk pickup day in my neighborhood. We carried out items from our garage, the basement and toy chests on three levels. Items were bent, broken, dusty and outdated. Some were still in good condition, but we hadn’t used them in years. None of them worked for us anymore but only served to clutter our lives. The bulk pickup day forced us to gather up and throw out stuff that was just in the way.

My vacation did the same for me. I was able to unload a lot of activities and processes that weighed me down and kept me from pursuing with a clear mind and stress-free body what God had for me. I came back from vacation refusing to allow that clutter to enter my life again. How about you? What type of personal bulk pickup days do you have or need to have in order to “lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensures” you (Hebrews 12:1)? It’s Wednesday, so you know I want to know what you think.

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