Grow Up

Grow up! You ever issue that challenge to someone? I know I have, usually when I’m just fed up with their Israelite going around the mountain actions. I just want them to get it already. But how many of us have commanded ourselves to grow up? We may have; I know I do when I’m tired of some of my behavior that I should have stopped and replaced with something better a long time ago. The real challenge, though, is going beyond just telling yourself to grow up and creating a growth plan. This is what I’m going to do based on the areas I discovered while on my break that I had trouble with. I shared these areas with you in What a Strong Black Woman Needs. In the coming weeks I will be sharing my plans (and how you can create your own) on how I endeavor to grow in these weak areas.

For now I challenge you to examine your life to see where you need to grow and get busy to try to develop and work your own plan. Usually we begin this process in December or January, looking to start the year off fresh. Why can’t you make a fresh start today? Think of how far you will be when January comes. Plus, sometimes you need more than a year to accomplish those annual goals you set anyway.

Yes, I do mean right now. Don’t wait until January. You would have wasted four good months, precious time needed to become that better you, that woman of God that God made you to be. So talk to Jesus, tell Him of your troubles, write down His solutions, hear how He tells you to implement them, get busy and grow up, why don’t you?

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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