What a Strong Black Woman Needs

During this recovery from being the strong black woman that I and so many others have come to be, I continue to get insight on new operation procedures for my life. While on break from blogging last month I discovered how much I needed:

1. A break.
2. God’s grace.
3. God’s mercy.
4. God’s omniscience (all knowingness).
5. My husband.
6. A new perspective on the benefit of my children.
7. More structure for my children.
8. To reclaim some old parts of me.
9. To really value my time.
10. To grow up.

In the next few weeks, I’ll dedicate one post to each of my discoveries. When I took a break, I was only looking to relax. I praise God for the so much more I received. More than we anticipate await us on vacation. Those workaholics among us may never discover the answer to that nagging problem, how much your children need face time, or that self-pampering could be the remedy for your ballistic behavior if you don’t take a break. We all have different needs and may receive different revelations to meet those needs. Whatever our needs, we may have a hard time uncovering these if we keep going like we always go. So, if you haven’t taken a break, go ahead, take one. I dare you. That vacation could change your life, not just for that vacation season but for the rest of your living days.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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