Positioned to Plant

“Give it up; give it all up.” This I heard God say when seeking Him about easing back into public ministry after taking a six-month maternity leave right before I had my second child. That was four years ago and I have yet to return to serve as my church’s women’s ministry assistant director, discipleship director and a regular bible teacher (all the positions that flashed in my mind when I heard God speak). I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew that God had planted me in women’s ministry and couldn’t understand why He would remove me from those positions. “How can I walk in my calling if I’m not in my positions?” Responding to my thoughts, I heard God say “They will come.” “How are they going to find me?” I responded. God was silent, probably laughing that I forgot that He was all-powerful and all-knowing and that He could orchestrate any scenario—in or out of my home—to help me fulfill my purpose. Of course, that’s exactly what happened.

In addition to the women who I had a direct discipleship relationship with, women began calling me to counsel and mentor them; I received two major writing assignments without having ever met the people who hired me; and my husband and I started counseling about some married and engaged couples. Through this blog, that God led me to begin after my transition out of public ministry, and other online sources, I have connected with so many women that I have ministered to and alongside. Yes, the women (and husbands) came right into my home, on my couch, through my phone and over my computer. In many ways my volume of ministry to women is more than it was when I was fully serving in public ministry. I would never have imagined this. Only God knew and He knows the same for you. Allow God to use you wherever you find yourself and whatever season you find yourself in. Though you may not have imagined being where you are, even thinking the timing of your season sucks, know that God wants to use you right where you are.

My friend Dianna just ministered a three-day revival where she, in essence, charged us to “sow the seed God gave us” wherever we are planted. She explained that God gives each of us a seed—a calling to win souls that we are to fulfill using whatever gifts and talents God gives us. And we are to use our seed, to sow it, right where we find ourselves, not where we think we should be. When she spoke, I thought of 1 Corinthians 12:4-7:

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

We may not have the same gifts as another but even if we do that doesn’t mean we should be in the same position (administration) or even use our gift the same way (operation). The difference in the administration and operation can depend on many aspects, including our calling, personality, ability, talent, season, and planting. I think those of us who know our calling and want to fulfill it get tripped up in the other areas. If we aren’t comfortable with how God made us (our personality, ability and talent) and place more emphasis on a position we have, then we will have a hard time being satisfied with operating in whatever season we are in. And the season dictates where we are planted.

So, we have to be scouts, looking for opportunities to sow our seed right where we are. If I weren’t forced to learn this I probably would have missed ministering recently to two of my mom’s friends—women in their 70s, right over my telephone. No, I didn’t imagine that, but God did and I am thankful that He had me switch positions so I could minister in places and to people that I otherwise would surely have missed.

What are some adjustments you need to make in your life so you can sow your seed right where you are?

My One Thousand Gifts List

A great time in fellowship with one of my disciples with God giving me wisdom and prophetic words for her and me realizing why I didn’t feel led to eat breakfast
Nate sticking a rattail comb in a navel orange and saying, “It’s like a pirate (ship).”
Justus smiling after a bite of banana
Not being as upset as I normally would after not being able to book the date I wanted for an event
Switching my sad demeanor into gratitude after thinking how ridiculous my slumping was in comparison to the concerns of our Compassion son and folks who have suffered from recent natural tragedies
Joshua being out of school for two days so I got to sleep in
Being able to babysit for a new friend and feeding her and her son healthy food
Joshua and Nate playing outside
The entire family enjoying the meal
Taking the boys to the park

2 thoughts on “Positioned to Plant

  1. I know I’m always responding (lol), but I so appreciate your posts. This is SOOO confirming for me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing yourself with us and I will be pinging this in the Labor of Love series. 🙂

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