Don’t Deny Me

One of my EEW readers last week commented that it’s difficult for Christians to share our faith. Though she said my column was excellent it still seemed to me that she was not concerned if her college-aged sons witnessed to anyone about Jesus; she was just satisfied that they still walked with God. I acknowledged that witnessing can be difficult but said “but witness we must,” as a reminder to her that we don’t have a choice to simply be good Christians who love Jesus all for ourselves. No matter the difficulty, we are called to share Him with others, through building a rapport with them so they see our love for them and eventually our love for God that they too might want to have Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.

Even as I gently reminded her, God loudly reminded me the same when I got a late-night invitation to a private dinner for the next evening for a woman that my heart aches for. I had to attend to share my love for her and God even though I didn’t know if I would have any brothers and sisters in Christ there with me. Though recovering strong black women have had very few problems facing difficulty, everyone appreciates a partner when you go in the trenches. A short battle ensued at the party, and I had to stand alone.

The guest of honor wanted me to bless the table by “keeping the prayer general” and then instructed me to include the names of various gods at the end of my prayer. After pausing, knowing I couldn’t follow that instruction but not wanting to defiantly offend her, I sat in silence waiting for the Holy Spirit to instruct me. He whispered, “If you deny me before men I will deny you before my Father” (Matthew 10:33). And though I knew denying Jesus was not an option, the Holy Spirit’s reminder emboldened me to stand firm on my conviction. “I’m a Christian and I pray in Jesus’ name,” I said. After demands to “just bless the food,” I repeated, “I’m a Christian and I pray in Jesus’ name. She wants me to pray in general. I don’t want to offend anyone.” The guest of honor decided to pray and I was glad we had food to give us something else to do besides talk. The moment was tense and I thought the night was ruined, but the night actually got better.

The guest of honor and one of her friends began to engage me in conversations of faith. Her friend even asked what church I attended and voluntarily said she was going to visit. Only God can shut the mouths of lions in the lions’ den and keep us from getting burnt in the furnace. Only He can turn darkness into light. He did that for me and I am grateful. We have to trust Jesus and His plans for us. “We ought to obey God rather than man” and leave the consequences up to Him (Acts 5:29).

My One Thousand Gifts List

A good husband
Flynn proposal that I take the money set aside for the retreat and go on a personal writing retreat with Nichole
The joy of knowing that Flynn’s proposal was from God (I thought the same thing once I discovered the other retreat was sold out.)
An exceptionally good time with Flynn
Flynn loving me with all my flaws
Physically comfortable sleep
Andrina and Floyd for keeping the children
Getting toothpaste and toothbrushes from the hotel because we left ours at home
A husband who reminds me not to complain (in this case about the taste of the toothpaste)
For taste buds that work

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