Lord of the Sabbath

What Do You Think? Wednesday

It’s 9:48 p.m. and I am just writing today’s blog post. There were no preemptive activities or technology issues. I just didn’t have anything to say. Well, I did, actually, but that was the problem: I had something to say. I’ve learned if I have something to say and God didn’t tell me to say it then I am on my own, and I can’t be out there like that, you know what I mean?

I remember that time, I’m sorry, those times, when I dated that boy because I wanted something to do. Then there was that time that I went to that place because I wanted somewhere to go and other times I said something because I wanted someone to know and each time ended in disaster: hurt bodies and emotions lay scattered, I was scattered wishing I had just listened to God.

We’ve all been there, wanting immediate gratification so we follow our flesh instead of waiting for God’s best for us. We try to rationalize, even spiritualize, our decisions. Sometimes that’s just easy to do when we are out of God’s will but want to be in His will. We work hard to make our will look like His will. I tried to do that in my mind. Thinking to God, I said: “You told me to start this blog and post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I want to be obedient to posting on the days you told me.” Even saying this I knew I couldn’t write what came to mind because I didn’t have a release in my spirit. Had God forgotten what He told me or did He change His mind? I know God doesn’t have any memory problems and doesn’t change His mind (though a change for us may seem like He does) so I decided to wait on him. He would tell me what I needed to know when I needed to know it.

This afternoon when telling a friend about my dilemma I said, “He’s the Lord of the Sabbath. He can do what He wants” (Luke 6:5). After the scripture popped in my mind, I understood my delay. Just like Jesus could heal on the Sabbath, the day Jewish law designated at God’s command as the day of rest—a day set aside to honor God—Jesus could tell me not to post just to remind me that He is the Lord of my blog. In the beginning He told me what days to post. If he decided to change my post days, He could do that; He is the Lord of my days. He is the Lord of all our days.

So what are you fretting about? Did He give that to you to do? Did you say you He was your Savior and Lord, too? Well, I had to let Him be. Won’t you let Jesus be the Lord of your days? C’mon, what do you think?

Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

4 thoughts on “Lord of the Sabbath

  1. I had the exact problem on Tuesday. I don’t think I finished the post until after 11pm, but my dialoge with Him was, “I want to be faithful to what you assigned me to do, but I don’t want to just do what I think I should do…where are you?” I have been “thinking” about taking my blog into another direction or should I say, “adding” some components, but I have not been given the “green light.” I don’t know if it’s me wanting to do it or me lacking the confidence to do it. Needless to say, I gotta hear from my Father before I can do anything. 

    Thanks for the post…much needed for me.

  2. When I am moving fast it is easy for me to just do what I think is best, when I clearly know God has not relesed me to do it.I think stuff like “well God ain’t call us to be lazy” and “faith without works is dead” or “this is just commen sense”. All the while I dont even have a peace about what i’m doing.  I can rationalize real quick, real easy, making it sound real good in my mind and to others who do the same type of rationalizing. The problem is at some point I come to the realization that I am operating in my flesh. This is a problem for me because i want to please God, but I cant in my flesh(“So then those that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:8). The crazy thing is I ALWAYS get better results waiting on God! ALWAYS!

  3. Isn’t it funny how God uses all types of situations to remind us of His Lordship? I’m so glad that you are sensitive to God’s direction, respect His Lordship and are waiting for him to give you the green light. Thanks for commenting, Ajene.

  4. Tabitha, you said something that is key for all of us: “When I am moving fast…” This is what gets most of us in trouble. We want things quick and easy. Your rationalizing thoughts come to many of us who want God to bless our mess. Lord, help us. But you have said it best: We “ALWAYS get better results waiting on God! ALWAYS!” Thanks for weighing in.

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