The Beauty of Life

The dishes are dirty; the clothes pile high; children cry; toys are scattered and tattered and remind me I am the same. The time is gone and won’t be back until tomorrow. Yet in the midst of chaos I see my calm:

Beauty amidst chaos

This spring bouquet, a mixture of two sets of flowers, has been bringing me joy. By seeing them I smile because

  • I marvel at God’s handiwork. How does He give type, color and smell to so many things?
  • They are pretty and make me feel pretty.
  • The blossoms seem to be smiling at me.
  • Two people thought enough about me to buy me them.
  • They remind me that not everything is bad.
  • So find you some flowers today. Maybe your blossoms won’t be flowers but a beaming teenager happy that you’re her mom, a toddling two-year-old with the ability to create in all his spaces, a job that enables you to pay your bills, the wind that blows you fresh air, a potty seat to remind you of childhood progress, frozen food showing you your abundance, helping hands showing you you’re not alone. We never are. God is there, providing blossoms in our messy midst, showing us life as it should be: focused on His goodness and grace while in hellish places.

    Copyright 2011 by Rhonda J. Smith

    I don’t know who this is for today; I had an entirely different post but when I sat down to write this is what I heard. So I pray for you today. I pray that you see the light at the end of the tunnel, that you know that there is a silver lining, that God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. He would never do that. He is faithful. He never leaves us or forgets about us. It may feel that way but please know that all things work together for our good if we love God and are called according to His purpose. We must remember that He called us for what He wants to do through us not so we can do what we want and have things to go the way we want. And remember that all means ALL; God wastes nothing. He is the ultimate recycler, making us over and over again. So get ready for your life makeover. Get ready for the new and improved you, handcrafted by God, the ultimate stylist and brander. Yep, that’s our God. Wait on Him to make you over. Yes, He wants to do that for you, but He’s got to do it in His own way. Trust Him. Believe in Him. He won’t let you down.

    3 thoughts on “The Beauty of Life

    1. So spot on, my mother and I were talking about this, this past weekend when my life seemed so chaotic….it is so easy to dwell on the things you don’t have, the things that aren’t done that we forget to marvel at the things around us. For me, it is the sprouts that are coming from seeds that me and Elise planted…

      Great Post,

      Peace and Love,

      Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

    2. Thanks Nik, but honestly I can’t say that I was thinking about the double meaning of things. The beautiful flowers (yes, a bouquet came from your baby) just stood out to me as my beauty in the midst of chaos. I’m glad you saw that creative aspect too, though I can’t take credit for it.

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