Husband Publicity Plan

“My guy’s a keeper and I’m going to do all I can to show him I’m glad he’s mine.” This was the closing line from my blog post “The Loving Husband.” So how do I plan to do all I can to show him I’m glad he’s mine? I’m going to amp up the best of what I do, namely serve him and speak well of him. Check out my post “10 Ways to Nurture Your Husband” that details all these, but in this post I want to elaborate on speak well of him.

It’s too easy to talk bad about our husbands. Men are different. Their ways seem to be opposite to women’s ways. One writer says that the genders are from different planets. In spite of our foreign ways, we must speak well of our husbands or we’ll find ourselves in the company of the contentious Proverbs woman whose husband would rather dwell in the corner of a roof or in the wilderness (or at work, church or the bar) than to be around her. So what do we do? I say create a husband publicity plan. Ephesians 5:33 tells us wives to honor our husbands. What better way to do that than by being the opposite of a nag? The plan is to tell our husbands how great they are and especially tell others how they are great. We should even let our husbands hear when we say good things about them to others.

Praise him in front of the children. When you don’t, you help to shape your children’s opinions of both of you. They, too, may think daddy is great or that mommy doesn’t love daddy because she doesn’t say anything good about him. Or worse, she always says something bad about him.

Talk about his strengths in front of the relatives. Sometimes relatives like to test your loyalty, even if they like your husband. Pass their test by not going along with their jabs but rather saying something favorable about your husband.

Speak well of him around your girlfriends. We may have those friends who find it impossible to say anything kind about their husbands and we wonder why they even married the poor fellow. Make sure you lift up your man in front of her. Perhaps she’ll think twice about calling her husband dumb, at least in your presence.

Whatever you say, make sure you are genuine. Your husband is likely to see through an act and you won’t be able to keep up the charade for long. Create and put in motion a husband publicity plan so your man knows where he stands with you. Now I ask, what good things would you say about your husband?

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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