Time Off

Break (Noun)—1) something that interrupts the pattern of a thing, causing it to come to a complete halt; 2) a change in direction; 3) a period off from activity; and 4) a vacation, among several other definitions.

“Unplug from the matrix,” my husband, Flynn, tells me when I haven’t eaten, forgot to take my vitamins or no longer hear children crying for my attention. My computer and cell phone distract me, are my constant news networks, social sources, fund suppliers, the way I can be a writer for hire in the comfort of my home and on the run. But with a husband, three children, five disciples, several mentors and increased ministry and writing opportunities, my home became more hectic and my runs more of a hassle. In the midst of this June fray I know that Flynn’s daily matrix comments led to this “suggestion” that I take a break from blogging in July. As you know, I sort of took a break, like the one in number two above, but not like numbers one and three like my hubby would have liked. But even with reposting blogs and writing new introductions (and one new blog, I just couldn’t help myself), that was a pivotal break. First and foremost I learned that I did need a break. I’ll share with you next time the list of insights I got while on my break.

Until then, take it easy if you can’t take a break.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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