The Omniscient One

He knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb is what David tells us about God knowing us before any physical manifestation of us. He knows every hair on our heads is what Matthew tells us about God’s complete knowledge of us in our physical manifestation. And those who are dead in Christ will meet Him in the air is what Paul tells us, revealing God’s knowledge of us even after our physical death. This is the God who created humans, having full knowledge that we would sin against Him. Having that full knowledge He created us anyway and before creating us He had a plan to save us from the penalty, practice and presence of sin—salvation through belief in Jesus Christ and His resurrection from a death that paid the price for our sin. God’s all knowingness, His omniscience, is ever present and continually impacts our lives. I saw His omniscience at work in one major way while on break; God knew what I was in store for during the time of my break so I believe He had me take a break exactly when I did.

A friend of mine is experiencing the greatest challenge of her life and issues surrounding this challenge got deeper while on my blogging break in July but came to a head this month while on break from leading my discipleship group. God knew I needed to rest up in July and have my schedule free in August so I could be there emotionally, physically and spiritually for my friend. I have had the strength to cry with her, sing hymns to her, pray and fast for her, create bible studies for her, and walk with her through and hold her accountable to applying these bible studies. The time has been intense, but God’s omniscience equipped me for one of the biggest fights in my life on behalf of a dear friend.

Do you see God’s omniscience in your life? Yes, I know you have probably been in awe of His knowing you before forming you, that He knows every hair on your head and that He knows where to find and how to bring you to heaven. But have you stopped to think about his omniscience in your daily life? What is the implication of His knowing you before forming you and that He knows every hair on your head? How does God’s knowledge impact your life right now? God’s all knowingness goes beyond bible trivia and can help us take a broader view of and cope with what happens to us, especially when we don’t understand. His omniscience surrounding my breaks helped me see greater that His thoughts and ways are higher than my thoughts and ways and they give me exactly what I need.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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