The Old is New Again

“The Old is New Again” or “It’s New to You” could be the theme of my blog for July, depending on how you have been following this blog. While I’m taking a break from blogging, you will still get some posts, some reposts, from a few of my more than 200 entries that I have written over the course of this blog. Even if you have been with me since the start in 2008, you may not have read every post. And those who just began following Musings, it’s likely you didn’t go back to see all that you missed. Either way, the old will be new again or it’ll be new to you. See you with fresh content in August.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

2 thoughts on “The Old is New Again

  1. Thank you Minister Rhonda – Relax and enjoy your family. We’ll be here when you get back to blogging. FYI – Your content is always fresh and relevant – even the ones that I’m going back reading from the beginning. They’re all hmmmmm hmmmmmm GOOD!

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