Day 17: Married Jezebels

When people see you do they get the impression that you aren’t married? When people see you, is your husband never around? If he is around, how do you sound when speaking to him? How do you sound when speaking about him? What are your actions in reference to him? These questions are for married AND single women because we are both wed to someone.

And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband (1 Corinthians 7:34).

Aside from pleasing God, a married woman’s major goal is to please her husband. For single women, the primary goal is to please the Lord. In order to do this we have to make sure that we aren’t acting unmarried and overconfident—being Jezebel—in relation to our husbands and God.

The name Jezebel means unmarried and she was Zidonian, a people group known to be over-confident and who showed no caution at all (Judges 18:7). And when you read about Jezebel, she epitomized her name. She took charge over her husband and his affairs as if she were his mother and talked to him without regard to his feelings. Does this sound like you? Do you take charge over your husband and his affairs? How about God? Do you take charge of the business God has given you without regard to HOW he would have you to do it? Do you say things like, “You know my heart God” after doing or saying what you want? You may be a Jezebel and didn’t even know it, but you can always change.

Acting unmarried while you’re married and being overconfident are unlawful acts, going against the very standard of God and God himself. When God created the provisions for marriage, Jezebel was the antithetical model. If we’re out of order we can get in order by examining ourselves for Jezebel and declaring war on this lawless part of our souls.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

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