Day 10: She Had to Go

She came with me
My trusted friend, guide by my side, with me ’til the end until things changed.
She wanted to be left alone to handle things on her own for me.
Didn’t want no talks or help, she could do it all by herself.
She crafted the plan
Listen to no man
And God, well, “He made me smart so I know He’ll be all right with what I start.”
She had been a trusted friend, guide by my side, with me ‘til I yearned for Him.
I started praying in the morning
I started praying at noon
I started praying in the evening
Seeking His presence was never too soon for me.
I read my bible on Sunday
Made it a priority on the other days
I read His Word
I studied His word
I heard His word
I took His word
Wrapped myself in His word
Got tangled up, too, and so did she, but she wanted to move.
She kept nagging me, didn’t see why we had to read again or study again or listen again or obey, AGAIN.
She was a trusted friend, guide by my side and I still wanted her with me.
“Sometimes you have to leave some friends behind to get to where you’re going.”
But she was a trusted friend
“Some friends are with you ’til the comfort ends.”
But she was a guide, always by my side.
“Sometimes you think your friends are with you, but they are only there if they can manipulate you and flee when the reins change.”
She—this trusted friend, guide by my side, with me ’til the end of her reign.
The power had changed and my strong black woman, as I knew her, had to go.
She is who I know
It is hard to let her go
Yet I do, daily, because her salvation is no longer for me.

Copyright 2010 by Rhonda J. Smith

Check my YouTube channel soon for my video of this poem.

4 thoughts on “Day 10: She Had to Go

  1. “She Had To Go” was an interesting piece. I think that the content was good, but it was a difficult read for me because sometimes I am too linear in my thinking. I like your use of the second and third person throughout this piece. It is odd–the very thing that I liked is the thing that made it a difficult read for me. Okay, can you say dichotomy? 🙂

  2. Yes, Sharon, this one was a little abstract, my personifying a characteristic. Glad you got something from it, though.

  3. Hi, Rhonda, I just listening to your vlogs and I like that you are kind and don’t judge anyone but is a friend. Hope that God bless you.

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