Maternal Vision

Welcome my guest blogger, my pastor and friend Renee M. Carr, who will talk more about what it means to have maternal vision.

By Pastor Renee M. Carr

Too many women don’t recognize that they have the world in their womb, meaning the children they bear will impact the world, whether for good or for bad. As Christian women, we must recognize this reality and work to make sure that our children will make an impact on this world to the glory of Jesus Christ.

To help birth spiritually nurtured children who will affect change for God’s glory in the earth, mothers must have maternal vision. In Rhonda’s last post, she defined my notion of maternal vision as perceiving by any of your senses what must be done with your child; to have regard for and to cherish them; in essence, the ability to see what your child can become and, therefore, understand what needs to be done to help him or her to that point. Having maternal vision is the starting point for spiritual nourishment, but many women can’t begin because blind parenting is blocking their vision.

Blind parenting is interacting with your child but having no sense of who they will become (not seeing them) and, therefore, not knowing what to do to help them get there. It is the opposite of maternal vision. In order to not be a blind mother, you must work against the following:

1) Being a lazy mom, constantly delegating your maternal role to others. This could be an older child, grandparent or television. A good way to tell if you’re lazy is if you find yourself dropping off your child more than taking your child with you.

2) Lacking priority and education. You don’t prioritize the spiritual welfare of your children. You may give greater emphasis to non-spiritual activities, such as sports. And chances are you have never read a book on parenting or child development.

3) Being ill-focused or lacking balance of perspective. Focusing too much or too little attention on your child’s weaknesses or strengths or constantly prioritizing one child above the other are examples of being ill-focused or lacking balance of perspective.

4) Being spiritually, emotionally and mentally immature. When you have not developed in these three
areas, nine times out of 10 you will teach your children how to be spiritually, emotionally and mentally immature.

If at the heart of your character you are lazy, lack priority, education and balance of perspective, and are spiritually, emotionally and mentally immature, you are at risk for aborting your children whether physically or their purposed destiny. I know some of you reading this may have had a physical abortion. Please know that if you have repented, God has forgiven you. Receive His grace (1 John 1:9). If you haven’t repented, please know that God is there for you and wants to provide you with forgiveness. Please repent. And if you suspect that you have aborted your child’s purposed destiny, God wants you to repent, too. Now is the time to seek to have maternal vision so you don’t continue to alter any more of God’s plans for them.

In order to see who your children can become, do the following:

1) Cherish the basic and complex call to parenting (See Nurture Your Children).

2) Operate in faith. Just like Moses’ mom saw that he wasn’t an ordinary child, you too must see that your children are unique (Hebrews 11:23).

3) Pray. You need to constantly get wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

4) Spend quality time with your children. Know their likes and dislikes. Know who their friends are. Inquire about their academic development. Take them places they love and to new places to explore. Have bible study with them.

5) Obtain knowledge about child development. Study biblical material and apply them. Some good sources are “Growing Kids God’s Way” by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, “What the Bible Says About Child Training” by Richard Fugate and “The New Strong-Willed Child” by James Dobson.

6) Sacrifice and be positive about the sacrifice. People don’t need to hear you talk about being a martyr for your children. Realize that sacrifice is a part of motherhood and get to work.

By the grace of God, women, we can have maternal vision and set our children on a spiritually righteous course from our wombs to impact the entire world.

Copyright 2009 by Renee M. Carr

This was developed from the sermon series “The World in Your Womb” by Renee M. Carr, women’s pastor of Evangel Ministries, Detroit, MI. To get copies of the series, visit or call 313-836-7732.

One thought on “Maternal Vision

  1. Truly the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Sacred is the mission of Moms. We must continue to share this with our sisters and daughters.

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