A Lesson in Slander

I have longed believed God when He says that His word will not return to Him void, meaning that His word will accomplish what He intended for it to do. This has been the case with so many who have reacted to my writings on slander; we have all been convicted about slandering and even enabling slanderers by being that welcoming ear. The following is the testimony of how one reader allowed “Rid Yourself of Slander, Part 1” to penetrate her heart and to be open to God’s correction:

By Abbey Waterman

Abbey Waterman with husband, Kevin, and son, Kevin Jr.

Abbey Waterman with husband, Kevin, and son, Kevin Jr.

Why did our family Bible time reading rest on James 3 last night when I was absent? I was so proud that the kids were faithful without Daddy and Mommy. The children so graciously thought it was necessary to revisit the passage at this morning’s Rhema pow-wow, where I was present. (Lovely children). They each read a small portion of James 3:1-10. I was convicted by God’s word. My own children skillfully, but respectfully, spanked me with the Word of God after I was already positioned in the bend over and touch your toes position by your Slander soliloquy. Yes, I am guilty of tongue slashing!

James 3:6 says: “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” This not only refers to harsh slanderous words. Charm (is deceptive), lying, gossip, contention, strife, peace destroyers, and glory thieves are all hell fires full of corruption sparked by the tongue. Selfish sweet sappy manipulators are included in this bunch as well. It is relatively simple to recognize my sin with its brash, cutting, coarse destruction. I grieve for destroying the Kingdom in the hearts of God’s people in such a heinous fashion. Today, I learned (again) about tongue slashing (the beam in my eye) and the less obvious fires of the tongue (splinters) that are sly, subtle, slow burning and smoldering.

I hate sin and it makes me mad, angry even. God is teaching me how to allow anger to be the dutiful alarm system to sin that He intended. When the alarm is sounded and sin is recognized, then the bothersome noisy device should be turned off! Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.” After acknowledging my own sin, we received new revelation (at least for our family).

Thanks for the tasteful correction!

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