The List Deconstructed

As we examine each item on “The List” that makes women fit to fill the job of a self-assured black woman, I want us to keep in mind what’s trying to be achieved. The aim for me is being assured about a self that is confident because God made her a woman and black and gives her the strength to handle her business the way He wants. I want to get away from defining success as first, promoting my racial identity; second, exalting my womanhood; and third, by attaining social status. The boast should never be in something created but only in the Someone who created.

For the next few weeks, the plan is to reassess whether or not we should be on The List. You can start now by telling me your thoughts. Do you think you should be on The List? Why or why not? If not, what new list can you create? As usual, I look forward to hearing your views.

Remember “The List”?

• Self-reliant
• Controlling
• Reliable
• Career-focused
• Feminist
• Sharp-tongued
• Mothering
• Afrocentric

Copyright 2009 By Rhonda J. Smith

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